angular.module('sniQQweb', ['pascalprecht.translate'], ['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { // register german translation table $translateProvider.translations('de_DE', { 'ACTIVE_LNG' : 'Deutsch', 'ACTIVE_LNG_IMG' : '/static/sniqqweb/images/flag-icon-ger.png', 'NAV_THEAPP' : 'Die #1 App', 'NAV_MERCHANTS' : 'Marken und Stores', 'NAV_OURTEAM' : 'Die Gründer', 'NAV_COMPANY' : 'Company', 'NAV_INVESTORS' : 'Investoren', 'NAV_CONTACT' : 'Kontakt', 'NAV_IMPRINT' : 'Impressum', 'HEAD_SL1SLOGAN' : 'dein direkter Einkaufsberater', 'HEAD_SL2SLOGAN' : 'Finde die besten Angebote', 'HEAD_SL3SLOGAN' : 'Profitiere von speziellen Angeboten während des Einkaufs!', 'HEAD_UNDERSCORE' : 'Jetzt kostenlos zum Download in deinem Appstore!', 'SEC1_HEAD' : 'Die #1 Shopping-App', 'SEC1_TEXT1' : 'Willkommen bei der vielleicht hilfreichsten App für deinen Einkauf in der City. sniQQ informiert dich immer über alle aktuellen Angebote. Alle Marken, alle Ketten, alle besonderen Geschäfte. Wie das? Ganz einfach! Mittels konkreter Angebote von den Geschäften und gepostete Aktionen von sniQQ-Usern. Und das alles live und in Echtzeit - ist das krass!', 'SEC1_TEXT2' : 'Samstagnachmittag, Innenstadt große Klamotten-Kette. Ein Ständer mit reduzierten T-Shirts wird aus dem Lager geholt. Ein SniQQ-User checkt das neue Angebot und postet es live. Sofort sind alle sniQQ-User informiert. Ein anderer Shop aus der Seitenstraße hat ebenfalls klasse T-Shirts on Sale. Aktive Info durch Push-Notice an die sniQQ-User in der Nähe. Du hast die Macht: Top-Angebote: 5-Sterne, miese Produkte: 0 Sterne. Du bist die härteste Jury der Welt für Händler! sniQQ dir dein Top-Angebot!', 'SEC2_HEAD' : 'sniQQ für Marken und Stores', 'SEC2_TEXT1' : 'Jetzt vom Start an dabei sein! Wir laden Sie ein, mit uns zusammen den Shopping Companion für das Smartphone zu entwickeln, die App wird zum Standard des lokalen Shoppings werden. Warum? Einkaufen und nicht bei sniQQ eingecheckt? Die besten Angebote und Produkte verpasst. So einfach!', 'SEC2_TEXT2' : 'Wir stützen uns auf langjährige Erfahrungen aus Handel, Dienstleistung und Technik. Aber wir wollen auch noch Ihr Feedback einarbeiten. Was muss die App für Marken und Stores leisten. Wie sieht Ihre ideale App-Umgebung aus, mit der Sie arbeiten wollen? Jetzt reagieren und Ihre Wünsche und Ideen werden bei der Realisierung umgesetzt.', 'SEC2_TEXT3' : 'Welche Integrationsmöglichkeiten haben Marken und Stores mit Werbung und Angeboten? Bewerben Sie Ihren Standort und publishen Sie Angebote live im sniQQ-Netzwerk. Besondere Features? Höchste Relevanz, Kunden sehen nur Matching Offers, Live-Rating der Angebote durch die User, etc.', 'SEC2_TEXT4' : 'Und noch ein Top-Feature: zu wenig Kundenlauf und Umsatz? Live neue Angebote veröffentlichen und direkt Kunden anpingen. Instant Feedback, die Ladentür geht auf, sofortiger Umsatzpush. sniQQ ist die erste App, mit der Sie Ihren Kundenlaufdirekt und unmittelbar live steuern können.', 'SEC3_HEAD' : 'Die Gründer', 'SEC3_TEXT1' : 'Die Gründer bringen eine beeindruckende Historie mit. Jörg Flügge ist seit vielen Jahren Inhaber einer Web- und Software-Entwicklungsfirma, die auf hochkomplexe und innovative Web-Entwicklungen (CRM, Konfiguratoren, Webshops, etc.) zurückblickt.', 'SEC3_TEXT2' : 'Professor Dr. Torsten Spandl kann auf eine über 15-jährige Erfahrung aus dem Handel zurückblicken. Er stellt das Netzwerk der relevanten Partner zusammen und steht als CEO für die Außenrepräsentation von sniQQ. Er bekleidet eine Professur für Betriebswirtschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Marketing und Sales.', 'SEC3_TEXT3' : 'Der Co-Founder Carsten Tegeler vertritt sniQQ gegenüber Finanzinvestoren. Er hat im Rahmen seiner Verantwortungen u.a. eine M&A-Transaktion eines Hightech-Unternehmens an eine NYSE-gelistete US-Gesellschaft als CFO gemanagt. Aktuell ist er Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung eines mittelständischen Beratungsunternehmens.', 'SEC4_HEAD' : 'Die Company', 'SEC4_TEXT1' : 'Location, Location, Location wird seit geraumer Zeit als der "letzte heiße Scheiß" im Online Marketing diskutiert. Aber bisher ist noch nichts wirklich Bemerkenswertes passiert – keine App hat sich als zentrale Plattform etabliert. Nahfeldkommunikation, Couponing, Aggregatoren - keines der Technikfelder hat marktführende Anwendungen herausgebracht. Das bekannte Henne-Ei-Problem: Apps mit zu wenig Usern ziehen keine Unternehmen an, zu wenig Unternehmen und relevante Angebote in einer App ziehen keine User und Downloads an.', 'SEC4_TEXT2' : 'sniQQ löst diesen Knoten. Wer sniQQ nicht nutzt, verpasst die Angebote, die von Unternehmen und Usern gepostet wurden. Und Marken und Stores, die sniQQ nicht nutzen, werden vom Kundenstrom abgeschnitten. Die App ist der Fixpunkt. Sie ist das zentrale Verbindungsstück zwischen Usern und Unternehmen. Mobile First: alles geht über die App. User checken, raten und posten mit der App, Unternehmen checken, posten und steuern über die App. Natürlich alles responsive auch im Tablet oder Desktop-Modus verfügbar. Cool, oder?', 'SEC4_TEXT3' : '', 'SEC5_HEAD' : 'Investoren', 'SEC5_TEXT1' : 'Marktstart einer geschlossenen Beta-Phase ist Mai 2014. Der Markttest findet in einer norddeutschen Stadt unter Echtbedingungen statt. Relevante Userzahlen werden über klassische Kommunikationsinstrumente eingeworben. Die Beteiligung von werbetreibenden Händlern, nationale/internationale Ketten sowie lokaler Einzelhandel, stellen die Gründer durch Akquisition vor Ort sicher.', 'SEC5_TEXT2' : 'Nach dem Proof-of-Concept freuen wir uns auf konstruktive Gespräche mit wachstumshungrigen Wagniskapitalgebern, um das nationale und internationale Rollout zu beginnen. sniQQ hat das Potential, sich zur weltweit führenden Shopping Companion App zu entwickeln. Jetzt handeln!', 'SEC5_TEXT3' : 'Maßgebliche Investitionen werden für die Entwicklung nativer App-Strukturen für die relevanten Zielmärkte sowie für Markenaufbau und Vertrieb erforderlich sein. Die schnelle Skalierbarkeit des Ansatzes macht dabei eine Fast-Mover-Strategie unumgänglich.', 'SEC5_TEXT4' : 'Wir freuen uns über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme!', 'FOOT_HEAD' : 'Newsletter', 'FOOT_TEXT' : 'Bleib immer auf dem laufenden: registriere dich für unseren Newsletter!', 'FOOT_IMPRINT' : 'Impressum', 'FOOT_IMPRINT_RESP': 'Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher: Torsten Spandl (Anschrift s.o.)', 'FOOT_CONTACT_HEAD': 'Kontakt', 'FOOT_CONTACT_ADDR': 'Adresse', 'FOOT_CONTACT_PHNE': 'Tel', 'FOOT_CONTACT_FAX' : 'FAX', 'FOOT_CONTACT_MAIL': 'EMail', 'NEWS_THANKS' : 'Danke!', 'NEWS_TEXT1' : 'Danke für dein Interesse an sniqq! Wir halten dich jetzt auf dem laufenden!', 'NEWS_TEXT2' : 'Wenn du fragen hast - zögere nicht uns zu kontaktieren.' }); // register english translation table $translateProvider.translations('en_EN', { 'ACTIVE_LNG' : 'English', 'ACTIVE_LNG_IMG' : '/static/sniqqweb/images/flag-icon-uk.png', 'NAV_THEAPP' : 'The #1 App', 'NAV_MERCHANTS' : 'Merchants', 'NAV_OURTEAM' : 'Our Team', 'NAV_COMPANY' : 'Company', 'NAV_INVESTORS' : 'Investors', 'NAV_CONTACT' : 'Contact', 'NAV_IMPRINT' : 'Imprint', 'HEAD_SL1SLOGAN' : 'never shop uninformed again!', 'HEAD_SL2SLOGAN' : 'Find the best offers', 'HEAD_SL3SLOGAN' : 'Find and profit unique offers while downtown shopping!', 'HEAD_UNDERSCORE' : 'Now available for free download in your Appstore!', 'SEC1_HEAD' : 'The #1 Shopping App', 'SEC1_TEXT1' : 'Welcome to the probably most helpful app for downtown shopping - in the future you will need only one app for your shopping trip: sniQQ! Never miss any offers and special reductions in your local city centre or shopping mall. sniQQ combines offers from all of the big brands and retail chains and you will find offers from the small independent shops as well. How is this possible? We combine professional offers with offers that are discovered by you - the sniQQ users. The app will show a wide variety of top products with special prices as posted by the sniQQ community - and all of this in real time. One of the major clues: we will be able to show these offers in real time. Isn\'t that cool?', 'SEC1_TEXT2' : 'How does this work? A merchant reduces a big stack of shirts on a Saturday afternoon - a sniQQ user spots the offer and posts it to the network live. Another merchant in a street nearby has new coats on sale - you receive a push notification when you are close. Live offers and live information will provide you with all the deals and cool products you need for your shopping trip. And you decide which offers are the most interesting. If you think a merchant offer is not interesting - rate it with less stars than your sniQQ-fellow\'s original post. It\'s up to you to build a thriving community around shopping opportunities right in front of your door. Can\'t wait for the app? Register for our newsletter and be among the first users who get to know the launch date.', 'SEC2_HEAD' : 'Merchants', 'SEC2_TEXT1' : 'Don\'t miss the opportunity to be one of the first advertisers. sniQQ will quickly evolve into the most important shopping companion. Nearly everyone will use sniQQ while shopping. Why? Because if shoppers forget to check the posted offers they will miss the best prices and most interesting products. And everybody wants to get the best prices and best deals - irrespective of what they are looking for.', 'SEC2_TEXT2' : 'sniQQ invites you to try the features of the app. The app is developed based on our long-lasting experience from working in the retail industry and several roundtables with leading retail chains from different sectors. Furthermore we invite test-merchants to take part in the beta phase in order to gather relevant feedback which can be included in the next releases.', 'SEC2_TEXT3' : 'What are the options for advertisers? First of all you can present your company based on your physical location - ok, that\'s nothing special. But, you will be able to publish many different offers via the app very easily. Customers will use a filter to see only the offers that match their interest - therefore your adverts will reach interested people with relevant information. And they will rate these offers - so you will get an instant feedback on the value of your posts. As a result your ads will get better day by day because you will learn which offers generate the most traffic.', 'SEC2_TEXT4' : 'And as one special feature for advertisers you can send live push messages to customers that are currently looking for the products that you offer. Let\'s explain this with a short example: You see that traffic in your store is light in the morning so you decide to create a special offer. But how do you get that information out? By putting a rack on the street? Or by sending an instant message to a selected crowd of customers, who are looking for the products that you have on sale at the exact time of the day? You will receive a nearly instant feedback and hopefully your offer is so good that you are able to draw customers into your store live and directly - sniQQ is the first app in the local scene which has the features to support you in this way.', 'SEC3_HEAD' : 'Our Creative Team', 'SEC3_TEXT1' : 'One of our founders looks back on an impressive track record for building complex web-based solutions. His company employs several programming experts and is well known for its ability to set up new and innovative digital solutions. He is the owner and CEO of his company.', 'SEC3_TEXT2' : 'Our second founder is a marketing and sales specialist who looks back on more than 15 years of long-lasting experience within the retail business. He has already built a vast network for the successful launch of the innovative and game-changing app sniQQ. He is currently working as a professor at a university.', 'SEC3_TEXT3' : 'The team is completed by our financial specialist who has already worked as a CFO in the high-tech industry. He accompanied a M&A transaction to a NYSE listed company and worked for several companies in the financial services sector. Currently he is part of the management team of a medium-sized consulting company.', 'SEC4_HEAD' : 'Company', 'SEC4_TEXT1' : 'The idea dates back to the beginning of 2013. Two of the founders attended at a web congress and wondered why all of the couponing apps had had such a lousy start. Everybody was talking about mobile and especially location-based marketing - but so far no company or specialized app has made it to the highest ranks of the app stores so far. In terms of advertising, still no dedicated advertisement app has evolved into a common point of reference for customers and merchants alike. Most of these efforts undertaken to date lack enough users to attract major brands - and they lack major brands to attract a lot of users. A typical chicken-and-egg situation.', 'SEC4_TEXT2' : 'It took a few roundtables before a potential solution evolved. It was supposed to be something that consumers accept and embrace. Something that is so useful that consumer willingly accept advertisements, share their location und are fond to use the app every time a shopping decision has to be made. And because of this usefulness the numbers of users are the only argument needed to convince companies to join. sniQQ will solve the above stated chicken-and-egg situation with ease.', 'SEC4_TEXT3' : 'The app is the anchor. Shoppers will love the app because it provides them with the best offers in real time. They will contribute to the app, post offers and rate posted offers. Companies will love the app because they can simply lure shoppers to their stores - even in real time. Everything that is designed around the app will be suitable for shoppers and companies alike. Shoppers find all offers in their handheld. Companies can either direct their advertising efforts through clicking on a handheld or they can use the more detailed web frontend to plan complex advertising campaigns.', 'SEC5_HEAD' : 'Investors', 'SEC5_TEXT1' : 'The app will be launched to the public in July 2014. A closed beta phase will start in May 2014. The founders will prove the scalability of the business model before the launch within a small dedicated area in Northern Germany. Classical advertising will attract users to download and install the app either on their iPhone or their Android device. The founders will convince the retail companies to take part in the trial phase. The chosen city has retail chains and individual retailers that will be able to use the app as an advertising platform.', 'SEC5_TEXT2' : 'Afterwards the founders will be happy to meet with leading VC companies to discuss a potential roll-out in major international markets. The app has the potential to evolve into the international standard for "social media based shopping assistance" - simply every shopper worldwide will be able to benefit from using the app.', 'SEC5_TEXT3' : 'Major investments have to be made towards the development of native apps so that even more functions can be integrated and automated. Concerning the international roll-out, several versions will have to be developed to suit the different requirements and demands of major local markets.', 'SEC5_TEXT4' : 'If you would like to receive information concerning the trial phase feel free to contact us.', 'FOOT_HEAD' : 'Newsletter', 'FOOT_TEXT' : 'Keep up to date on our always evolving product features and technology. Enter your e-mail and subscribe to our newsletter.', 'FOOT_IMPRINT' : 'Imprint', 'FOOT_IMPRINT_RESP': '', 'FOOT_CONTACT_HEAD': 'Contact Us', 'FOOT_CONTACT_ADDR': 'Address', 'FOOT_CONTACT_PHNE': 'Phone', 'FOOT_CONTACT_FAX' : 'FAX', 'FOOT_CONTACT_MAIL': 'Email', 'NEWS_THANKS' : 'Thank you!', 'NEWS_TEXT1' : 'Thank you for your interest in sniQQ. We will keep you posted!', 'NEWS_TEXT2' : 'If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.' }); $translateProvider.uses('de_DE'); }]); angular.module('sniQQweb').controller('Ctrl', ['$translate', '$scope', function ($translate, $scope) { $scope.changeLang = function (langKey) { $translate.uses(langKey); }; }]);